She was TOTALLY into the show!
Me & Riley after the show...SHE LOVED IT!
I got a little tired of carrying her up and down these stairs to go to the bathroom and stuff, so at the end of the show I made her walk up them. It took her forever to get to the top, but she finally made it. She stayed awake all the way home talking about Tinkerbell and Mickey! I bought her a Minnie doll which she gave lots of kisses and hugs to on the way home. She also told Minnie that "they" were going to to night-night with meow meow when we got home. Meow meow is her favorite stuffed animal that she sleeps with every night (actually pronounced Mow Mow). I had given her a bath before we left, so when we got home (at 11:45) I just put her in her jammies and straight to bed. I never heard a peep...she was so good!
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