Friday, November 28, 2008


Today we decided to get Riley out of the house and let her run around so we went to Fayette Lake for the day. We had a picnic with grilled hot dogs and chips, then we walked around the park and down the nature trails. It was a nice, warm day considering it's the day after thanksgiving. It was pretty windy on the lake.

Picnic Area

I'm as tall as the trees

Riley and Mommy with the wind in our hair

Looking at the ducks

Here's the ducks

Riley and Daddy on the nature trail

Bald Eagle

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Hope you all had a great day. We went to Ma and Pa's house for a great turkey day feast.

Laura, Josh, & Brody


Riley & O'Neal

Riley Anne

Riley & Brody

Playing on the swing

O'Neal, Brody & Riley

Pam, Riley, Papa & Paul

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Only in the Country...

Paul just happen to be sitting up at Uncle Peanut's house (probably drinking a beer) when a herd of donkeys invaded our back yard. Uncle Peanut thought it was cows at first. Paul came back down to the house and found eight donkeys in the back by the barn. Randy (our neighbor) ended up getting a bucket of food and lured them back down the road to their home while Paul drove behind him with his flashers on. They belonged to our other neighbors that live about 3/4 of a mile down the road. What a kwirky day. I've had other animals in my yard before (cows and horses) but never a whole herd of donkeys. I guess they travel in a group.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ceramic Mug

Well, here is the end product! This is the ceramic mug that Riley painted for Paul last weekend. I didn't even recognize it after it was glazed. As you can see, there is a big D where I tried to paint Daddy on it and Riley painted over it. Didn't she do a good job?

Happy (Early) Birthday Hollye!

We went out to eat at Gringo's to celebrate Hollye's Birthday a bit early because her b-day is the 30th.

Chinese Anyone?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Duck Hunting

Paul, Chad and David went to Bayside this weekend to go duck hunting. A cold front came through Friday night so it was extremely cold and windy. The birds weren't moving very well because of the wind, but they ended up getting ten ducks and one goose.



Copano Bay

Love a duck

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Painting Ceramics

We went to Glazed Over Ceramics Studio in Houston today to paint a mug for Daddy. Riley had fun with the paint. She did all of the painting. I tried to put "Daddy" on the mug, but she painted over it, a couple of times. We have to go back next week to pick it up after it has been glazed. I can't wait to see the end product. It'll be a keepsake for sure. I will post a picture of it next week so you all can see what it looks like. I have a few keepsake ceramics of my moms. When we were younger, my mom used to take me and Angie to pick out a piece at this ceramics shop in Hempstead. My mom had all the paints, so we could take our time and paint our pieces however we wanted. My dad still has a few pieces that we painted for him. One is a weiner dog that I painted, and the other is a little bald man that Angie painted. Today brought back lots of memories for me.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Car Wash!

Today Riley went with Papa and Memaw to see a movie. It was her first movie experience. They said she did really good and enjoyed it. While she was gone, Paul and I decided to was the cars. He washed and I rinsed. Then he waxed and detailed while I watched. Ha Ha!

This picture is my personal fave! Lookin' good Bird!!!