Sunday, September 28, 2008

Scary Day

On Friday, September 26th, Riley had a febrile seizure at daycare. I had just gotten home from grocery shopping when the daycare called and told me she had a fever and had vomited twice. I was on my way to the daycare when Amy called and asked me where I was. I pulled up to the daycare just as Amy was getting there, and an Ambulance. I walked in and was told that Riley had just had a seizure. She was in a deep sleep and totally limp. I picked her up and just started crying. We took her by ambulance to Trinity Hospital in Brenham. We were barely on the edge of Hempstead when Riley's leg started twitching. The EMT banged on the glass and yelled, "UPGRADE." We got to the hospital in 8 minutes (it usually takes about 20 minutes to get there). The whole time Riley just slept. She didn't make any noise until they tried to start an IV. When we got to the hospital, they were able to give her some Tylenol and Motrin and blotter her with cool, wet towels. They drew blood, did a chest x-ray and throat swab. We found out she had strep throat, and that's what caused the fever. That combined with playing outside in the heat made her fever spike fast. It was a scary day, probably the scariest day of my life. Today is Sunday (2 days later) and she's feeling better but still running some low grade temps off and on. She's been playing pretty good today despite feeling yucky.

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

OMG! How scary! I hope she is feeling better...