Recovered property bags

Riley's DVD player, a flashlight, and Paul's business cards

And Paul got his gun back
Just another Sunday night, sitting at home watching tv and playing on the internet. Riley was snuggled, tucked away in her bed, snoring I'm sure. Paul was watching a football game, and I was sitting in my recliner checking my email when we heard car doors slamming. It went on a few times so we thought maybe Randy (our neighbor) had visitors or something. Finally, Paul decide to go see what the heck Randy was doing. Next thing I know, Paul is running through the house to get his gun out of the safe, the whole time saying "there's someone out there". I thought, no big deal, probably a skunk or a dog, right? Then I hear gunshots. I got up and ran out into the garage in my nightgown, and all I could see was the light from the end of the gun with each shot and Paul yelling "STOP, STOP" I yelled, "do I need to call 911?" and he said "Randy's on it!" Randy, by the way, is also the sheriff of Waller County (lucky us, uh?). I ran back inside, put on my housecoat, backwards and inside out, and ran back out to the garage when I saw Randy taking off down the road. About three minutes later, Randy is back and said he couldn't find him, but he called it in to the sheriffs department. So we're standing out in the driveway, going over all of this and trying to figure out what all he got away with. He got Riley's DVD player. Paul said he took off running after the second time he came out (when he had the gun). His car was parked on the road, and when he was running to the car, he turned around a threw something at Paul. That's when Paul started shooting(not to hit him, relax). The guy got in his car and took off (with a few extra bullet holes in it). By the way, he threw Paul's binoculars at him. Anyway, we're standing there listening to Randy's police radio (it was on in his truck) when they said a car matching the description was entering Hempstead at a high rate of speed, and that they were attempting a stop. Next thing you hear, "HE'S RUNNING, HE'S RUNNING." The guy took off. High speed chase, speeds in excess of 100 MPH. A minute or so later, HE CRASHED. Then, he takes off on foot. Last seen at 6th and Baker. Paul had giving them a good description of the guy and the car, and it was definitely a match. The guy got away, BUT they ran his plates and he is a known offender. Randy knows him well,(it's a small town). So Randy tells me the guys name, and I'm like, uh, that sounds familiar. Anyway, they came out and took a report and took Pauls gun (just in case he did hit the guy) and said if they find our DVD player in the car, we would get it back, oh and a flashlight. Even though they didn't get him tonight, I'm sure they will tomorrow. Unbelievable!!!
UPDATE: THEY CAUGHT THE GUY!!! He's in jail. Randy said they caught him later that night at his house. He didn't have any bullet holes in him, but his car did. He was arrested for burglary, felony evasion, felony fleeing and he is on parole, so he's going away for a long time.